Meet Katarina Viento del Alba
Spiritual life coach
Katarina Viento del Alba was introduced at an early age to telepathy, body work and herbalism.
She started her professional practice after her Spiritual alignment in the Mayan Riviera, Mexico where she lived in open inspiration for 10 years.
It is in the sacred ground of Mayas, where she studied Mayan Cosmo Vision, energy work and osteopathy.
She continues her passion for telepathy and clairvoyance through self-studies inspired by 'remote viewers'.
She had run her own spa "Green Tara" for 7 years in Riviera Maya.
Ancient and celestial beliefs are translated by her for the modern world, uniting all aspects into one.
The Divine healing energy that flows through Katarina Viento del Alba is the support system and gate for change you have been searching for.
Creating sacred and safe space known as vortex, allows miracles happen.
Reviving the consciousness of your eternal soul while your body is showerd with love, she invites you for a journey to healthy and peaceful life, of empowerment, inspiring the cultivation of self-love, and of
awareness of life it self.
Why is Spiritual guidance combined with Physical therapy?
Your body is with you since you were born. It holds memories. The psychotherapy for our body is loving touch. Deep profound care for the body, muscles, reconnecting meridians, unblocking energetic path ways through loving massage, remembers the body the moment of 'ease' and releases anxieties, tension, pressure and and resets it vibration. Pushing the right 'buttons' allows me to enter into your reality, into your mind, strengthen your spirit and remember love.

Self love
In the times where society focus on our imperfections, self love becomes a revolution.
Letting go
Sudden lost of carpet from under our feet creates disorientation, confusion and discomfort. Who am I now?
Combating habits
Bringing awareness to our mechanisms, we focus on our rejection of constant change.

We are programmed, to constantly tell our selves that we are not good enough. We believe that something will happen in future and we will be living better life. Are you willing to change?
We are soaked in anxiety while, we are constantly thinking ahead of present moment.
Inner child
Lets cultivate a sacred space, where you can travel in time and meet your wounded inner child. Learn to listen.

Session includes a intuitive combination of following healing tools:
healing loving massage,
talk therapy,
restart of perception,
cutting old or current 'vampire' bonds,
tuning 7 energy centers - chacras,
inviting blessings,
reconnection with your vital force,
smoke cleanse with copal,
spiritual cleansing,
guided meditation,
breathing practice,
astral travel,
tarot reading,
correcting harmful mind patterns, affirmations,
recommendation of herbal or juice detox.
Contact Info
Social net.
+351 934 457 427
Pe de Serra, Colares, Portugal
I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take you in my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky. Rumi